Please find below the weekly quizzes. These quizzes are password protected. If you have not already purchased access to these quizzes and would like to do so, please click here
Please download and print off an answer card for each player by clicking here
At the end of the quiz, players are directed to mark each other's cards and the correct answers are shown on screen. However, some teachers prefer to mark the players' answer cards themselves, so we also provide a list of the answers for each weekly quiz which you can access by clicking on the link for the 'Teachers Answer Card' below each quiz.
Select the quiz you would like to play and click on it. Each quiz is password protected and you will have been sent a 4 digit password in your confirmation email to access the set of quizzes you have purchased. This password will work on all 10 quizzes within the set. The quizzes are available for the whole of the academic year and are replaced each year on 1st September.
You can then set the quiz to full screen by clicking on the icon towards the bottom of the screen. As the quizzes have music and timers, please ensure you have your speakers turned on before you start.
Each quiz runs automatically and, once started, does not need to be controlled by an operator. However, by hovering over the bottom of the screen, you can access controls that allow you to stop, start, pause, rewind and fast forward to suit the pace you would like to run the quiz at.